Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time Well Spent

There are many things that I have learned throughout this course and throughout my career as a student of Early Childhood Studies and that is perseverance. There are many challenges that I have faced as a student and while facing these challenges I had to continue to motivate myself to just keep going even when it became difficult. I will say that this is something that I believe will translate in my experience as an educator. I am often challenged in the work that I do but I know I must keep going, not for myself but for the good and well-being of others. A second lesson I have learned is how to refine my passion and reflect on what it means to develop that passion. There were so many things that I took from our discussions about diversity and what it means and how to encourage young children and families to see the beauty in it and I am really excited about challenging myself to find ways to incorporate that. Lastly, I have learned about challenges and what it means to critically think about my own practices when it comes to meeting those challenges and understanding the "why" and "how" of what I am doing to meet those challenges.

One goal that I have for my career is to inspire prospective educators to engage in inclusive practices to support all children. This is something that I have always had a strong passion for and I hope that this is something that is achievable for me.

It has been such an amazing and eye-opening experience working towards this degree and towards growing as an early childhood professional. I know that I am so grateful to have had colleagues and professors who challenged my thinking and reflected with me and understood my perspective but also expanded it by sharing their perspectives and I couldn't have done any of this without all of you. I hope that I have equally inspired all of you in some way. There are so many things that we could all be doing but I'm glad to have chosen to be a part of this experience and to have all of you to share it with. Congratulations to all of you and may many blessings come along with you!

It is not what I say that will inspire others to achieve greatness, it is in the act of my passion that will inspire others.

Adaiah Marie Negron

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